Last week I mentioned not getting to post something that I was working on - well, here it is. This day was recorded last Thursday, March 1.
It's Thursday morning, at about 4:25, just before my alarm goes off. Sophia wakes up from a coughing fit she's been having off and on for the past few hours and finally starts to cry. Isaac gets her and puts her in bed between us and I reset my alarm for another 10 minutes hoping she'll fall asleep in that time so that I'm able to get up without her wanting to get up as well. She clears her nose by breathing in and out of it really hard and fast and eventually plops her head down on my pillow and relaxes (she prefers my pillow over Isaac's, for some reason). By the time I get myself up out of bed, her breaths are steady and she is asleep. When I come to kiss Isaac goodbye she's has happy as can be snuggled up against her Papa.

She is finally fully awake by 7. As routine will have it, she requests a banana just like she has for the past 300 days in a row. She sits on the couch and slowly wakes up to a Baby Einstein movie.

Now that she's had a chance to wake up, she wants breakfast. Breakfast changes day to day, but today she's offered eggs and she nods her head and says, "With ketchup!" She scarfs them down with her big appetite, and is now ready for bigger and better things.

She gets a little morning reading in.

Takes a shower...

...making sure to wash those shower walls extra good. :)

Requests a blanket because she is FREEZING!

Dresses and brushes those pearly whites. And then it's time to go outside.

Uh-oh. Bad fall. But even worse since Papa has taken an extra few seconds to snap a photo of the event. Poor thing. But he'll soon make it up to her with a special surprise.

Sophia wonders where they could be going...

The Animal Shelter?!!!! Hooray!

The Animal Shelter! We've been reading
Curious George and the Puppies a lot lately, so this little girl knows exactly what animal shelters are all about (or at least what kids should now about them). She loves seeing the kitties, the puppies, the big dogs and the turtle.

She teases the dogs by holding the treats a little to far from their lips so they really have to try to press through the cage wall to get to them. She doesn't realize she's teasing, of course - she probably just doesn't want to get too close to those enormous teeth - ouch!

The trip is a success. Sophia's happy as a jaybird, although a little worn out, from their little excursion.

So worn out, in fact, that she drifts off to sleep and stays that way for a few hours...
At around 6:00 I pull into the driveway and park underneath the carport. I'm greeted by a big smile and the one single word that makes my heart leap from my chest, "Mama!" We eat pepper steak, mashed potatoes, and salad, and then disrobe the little girl to free her from her mashed potato mess! Jammies on, story read (Curious George - to recap the day's events), teeth brushed, and back in bed, at about 7:30. Sophia's bedtime is always a good time, because it means Mama's bedtime will follow shortly after.
A day in the life of US, when I'm at work.